man sitting in office coworking

In the realm of freelancing, copywriting has become increasingly popular. A copywriting side hustle involves offering writing services part-time, typically alongside a full-time job. Its rising popularity is due to the growing demand for digital content, making it a lucrative opportunity for those skilled in writing. This guide explores the thriving sector and explains how to tap into its potential.

The allure of a copywriting side hustle lies in its flexibility. It allows individuals to work at their own pace and choose projects aligned with their interests. Additionally, it offers an additional income stream based on commitment and demand for the writer’s expertise. Here’s what you need to know to get started.

10 Interesting Facts About Copywriting Side Hustle

Before diving deeper into the nuances of starting a copywriting side hustle, here are some interesting facts that underline why this gig is an attractive option for many. These tidbits underscore the dynamics of the industry, the opportunities it offers, and what makes it a captivating pursuit for those looking to supplement their income or fuel their passion for writing.

Diverse Opportunities

Copywriting offers a wide range of opportunities across various industries. From marketing and advertising to the tech and healthcare sectors, skilled copywriters play a vital role in creating engaging content. With the flexibility to choose projects aligned with personal interests, copywriting can be an exciting side hustle that brings in additional income. Enjoy what you do while showcasing your writing prowess in diverse niches.

Remote Work Possibilities

Copywriting offers abundant remote work opportunities in today’s digital age. Companies worldwide are embracing remote copywriters who can work from anywhere, a trend further amplified post-pandemic.

The benefits include saving time on commuting, a comfortable work environment, better creativity and productivity, and a balanced life. Remote work also opens doors to global opportunities, enhancing portfolios and income potential. It’s an attractive option for those seeking flexible income and experience.

Varied Writing Styles

Copywriting encompasses various writing styles tailored to different goals and audiences. Persuasive writing is crucial for sales copies, aiming to convince readers to take action. Informative writing is prominent in fields like technology or healthcare, focusing on educating the audience. Copywriters must be adaptable and capable of crafting catchy taglines and comprehensive guides. This flexibility, combined with strong writing skills, is essential for a successful copywriting side hustle.

Continuous Learning

Copywriting is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and upskilling to stay relevant and effective. By adopting a lifelong learning mindset and leveraging available resources like newsletters, blogs, podcasts, and online courses, copywriters can enhance their skills and keep up with industry trends. Joining copywriting communities and forums also facilitates knowledge sharing and networking with fellow professionals. Stay sharp and in sync with industry dynamics by staying updated and connected.

Building a Portfolio

Building a robust portfolio is integral to launching and sustaining a successful copywriting side hustle. Your portfolio serves as a testament to your writing prowess, showcasing your versatility, creativity, and ability to adapt to different writing styles and industry requirements. It provides tangible proof of your skills and experiences, making it a vital tool in attracting potential clients and landing lucrative projects.

When showcasing diverse writing samples, you need to ensure they reflect your best work and align with your niche. They should also highlight your writing style and unique voice, setting you apart in a competitive field. Additionally, they should be updated regularly to reflect your progress and growth.

Building a compelling portfolio is a continuous process. As you gain more experience and undertake diverse projects, continue to refine and update your portfolio to best represent your evolving skills and achievements. Your portfolio is your ultimate selling point, making it a critical asset in your copywriting side hustle journey.

Networking is Key

Networking is crucial for freelance copywriters, offering opportunities to gain clients, learn from experts, and stay updated on industry trends. Engaging in events, online forums, and social media groups helps build a strong network. Remember to contribute and share resources to establish credibility. Meaningful connections enhance professional growth and open new doors for your side hustle.

Negotiating Rates

Mastering the art of negotiating fair and competitive rates is crucial for a successful copywriting side hustle. This involves balancing charging what you’re worth and remaining competitive in the market.

Consider your experience and project complexity and communicate transparently with clients. Offering different pricing models can cater to various needs and establish long-term relationships. With clear communication and self-worth, you can secure fair, competitive rates for your copywriting services.

Client Relationship Management

Maintaining a positive client relationship is crucial in copywriting. It forms the foundation of repeated business, referrals, and a strong reputation. Effective communication is key; listen to clients, clarify uncertainties, and provide regular updates.

Meeting client expectations by delivering high-quality work on time and showing professionalism is vital. Understand the client’s vision, audience, and content purpose to deliver impactful pieces. Always be open to feedback for learning and growth. Cultivating client relationships and effective communication contribute to copywriting success.

Time Management

Balancing a copywriting side hustle with other commitments can be a challenge, but with effective time management, it can become a manageable and rewarding endeavor. Good time management not only helps meet deadlines but also ensures a healthier work-life balance. Here are a few tips to manage your time effectively:

  • Set Clear Goals and Priorities: Understand what you need to achieve in the short and long term. Prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines. This can help you focus on what’s essential, reducing the risk of becoming overwhelmed with multiple tasks.
  • Develop a Routine: Having a set routine can significantly improve productivity. Dedicate specific time slots for your copywriting tasks, ideally when you are most productive. This might be early in the morning, late at night, or sporadic periods throughout the day, depending on your other commitments.
  • Leverage Technology: Use time management tools and apps to organize your tasks and schedules. Tools like Trello, Asana, or Google Calendar can help you track deadlines, set reminders, and manage your workload efficiently.

Remember, effective time management is a skill that takes time to develop and is key to successfully balancing a copywriting side hustle with other commitments.

Portfolio Diversification

Diversifying your copywriting portfolio offers numerous benefits. It keeps your work exciting and dynamic, showcases your adaptability and versatility, and makes you more attractive to potential clients. Writing for different industries, audiences, and formats opens doors to new opportunities and broadens your client base. It positions you as a competent and flexible copywriter who can handle any project. Additionally, diversifying your portfolio reduces dependency on a single industry or client, providing stability in the freelance world.

How To Start Copywriting Side Hustle

Now that the essential strategies for managing a successful copywriting side hustle are covered, here are the practical steps you can take to launch your copywriting journey.

Identifying Skills and Niches

Before diving into copywriting, it’s crucial to assess your writing skills and interests. Are you better at persuasive sales copy or informative guides? Do you excel at engaging social media content or detailed product descriptions? Evaluating your skills can help you focus on areas for improvement and determine where you might excel.

Consider your interests and expertise, too. Successful copywriters often combine writing with a passion or deep knowledge of a specific field. Leveraging your interests can make your writing more authentic and carve out a unique niche. Start with what you know and love, and let your copywriting journey evolve naturally.

Building an Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is imperative for any successful copywriting side hustle. Your online presence serves as a virtual showcase of your skills, experiences, and achievements, making it an essential tool in attracting potential clients and establishing your professional brand.

Creating a Portfolio Website

A portfolio website is your digital business card, presenting your best work and illustrating your capabilities as a copywriter. Here are some pointers to help you create an impactful portfolio website:

  • Design: Your website should be clean, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. It should reflect your personal branding and stand out from the crowd. Use professional, high-quality images, consistent typography, and a color scheme that aligns with your brand.
  • Content: Feature a selection of your best work on your website. Include a variety of pieces that showcase your versatility as a copywriter. For each piece, provide a brief context about the project, your role, and the results achieved (if available).
  • About Me: Your website should include an ‘About Me’ section, where you introduce yourself, share your professional journey, and highlight your skills and strengths. This section is your chance to make a personal connection with potential clients.
  • Contact Information: Provide clear and accessible contact information and make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you. This might include an email address, contact form, or even links to your social media profiles.

Strengthening Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool and an excellent platform for promoting your copywriting services. An optimized LinkedIn profile can increase your visibility, help you connect with like-minded professionals, and attract potential clients. Here are some tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile:

  • Profile Photo: Your profile photo should be professional, clear, and friendly. It’s the first impression people have of you, so make it count.
  • Headline: Your headline should be attention-grabbing and succinctly highlight your skills and specialties.
  • Summary: Use the summary section to tell your story, express your professional goals, and showcase your unique value proposition.
  • Experience: List your relevant work experiences, highlighting your responsibilities, achievements, and skills you’ve gained.
  • Recommendations: Testimonials from clients or colleagues add credibility to your profile. Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations from people you’ve worked with.

Remember, a strong online presence can serve as a powerful marketing tool, drawing clients to you and demonstrating your skills and achievements before they even make contact. Take the time to carefully curate your online presence, ensuring it represents you accurately and professionally.

Seeking Initial Projects

Finding your first copywriting gigs may seem daunting, but platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr can kickstart your journey. These websites offer freelance writing jobs in various industries. LinkedIn is also a powerful resource to showcase skills and network with professionals seeking your services.

Starting with smaller projects has benefits. They require less time and commitment, which is ideal for learning the ropes. Small projects help build your portfolio, gain experience, and establish client relationships. Remember, every project, no matter how small, builds your reputation and credibility in copywriting.

Investing in Learning Resources

Continuing to hone your skills and staying abreast with the latest trends in copywriting is key to maintaining a competitive edge. There are numerous resources available that can enhance your understanding of the craft and provide valuable insights into the industry.


  1. Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath: This book offers invaluable advice on creating ideas that are memorable and impactful.
  2. Everybody Writes by Ann Handley: A practical guide to creating and publishing more effective content.
  3. The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert W. Bly: A comprehensive guide offering practical advice to those looking to enter or advance in the field of copywriting.


  1. Copywriting Secrets – How to Write Copy That Sells on Udemy: This course focuses on the fundamentals of copywriting, from writing compelling headlines to crafting persuasive copy.
  2. The Complete Copywriting Course: Write to Sell Like a Pro on Skillshare: This course covers a wide range of topics, including the psychology behind successful copy and common copywriting mistakes to avoid.


  1. American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI): AWAI regularly holds workshops and webinars on copywriting, covering a variety of topics from SEO to direct response.
  2. The DMA Copywriting Workshop: This intensive one-day workshop covers the basics of successful copywriting and provides hands-on experience.

Investing time to learn from these resources can greatly improve your copywriting skills. However, learning should not stop there. The world of copywriting is dynamic and ever-evolving. Staying updated with industry trends, new techniques, and best practices is equally important.

Joining copywriting forums and communities, attending industry events, and subscribing to relevant newsletters or blogs can provide a wealth of up-to-date information. Remember, continuous learning and improvement is the path to success in your copywriting journey.

Dos and Don’ts Of Copywriting Side Hustle

As you embark on your copywriting side hustle journey, understanding the Dos and Don’ts can be instrumental in shaping your success. These guidelines provide a roadmap to navigate common pitfalls and capitalize on beneficial practices in your copywriting career.


Research and Understand the Audience

You need to know your audience before you can write effective copy. Take the time to research and understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. You can then tailor your writing to resonate with them and drive action.

Meet Deadlines Consistently

Meeting deadlines consistently is a fundamental aspect of professional copywriting. In the fast-paced world of business, delays can lead to missed opportunities, dissatisfaction, and a negative impact on your reputation.

Reliability in delivering high-quality work on time not only showcases your professionalism but also builds trust and credibility with your clients. This can lead to long-term collaborations, repeat business, and positive referrals, all of which are crucial for the growth and sustainability of your copywriting side hustle.

Seek Feedback and Learn from It

Feedback is a goldmine of actionable insights that can help you refine your craft and grow as a copywriter. Don’t shy away from asking for feedback from your clients – be it positive or constructive. Understand that feedback isn’t a measure of your personal worth but a tool for continuous improvement.

Be open to critique and, more importantly, be proactive in implementing the lessons learned. This active approach to feedback can significantly enhance the quality of your work, increase client satisfaction, and propel your copywriting side hustle to greater heights.


Plagiarize or Copy from Others

In the world of copywriting, originality is crucial. Plagiarism has serious legal and professional consequences, damaging credibility and reputation. Advanced plagiarism detection tools help detect copied content, preserving professional standing. Instead, use your unique voice and perspective to create engaging, authentic content that resonates with your audience. Remember, authenticity is invaluable.

Overpromise and Underdeliver

Avoid making commitments you cannot fulfill. Overpromising and underdelivering can be detrimental to your reputation as a copywriter. Clients rely on you to deliver on your promises, and failing to meet expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and potential loss of business. Always ensure that you can realistically deliver on your promises before making commitments.

Ignore Contractual Agreements

Contractual agreements are essential in the business world, including the field of copywriting. Ignoring these agreements can lead to financial disputes and loss of credibility. Contracts define responsibilities, timelines, and payment terms, serving as a blueprint and legal safety net. Having clear contracts and adhering to their terms fosters trust with clients and ensures successful professional relationships.

By understanding the Dos and Don’ts of the copywriting side hustle, you can thrive in your career and build a successful and sustainable business.


Embarking on a copywriting side hustle can be an exciting, rewarding endeavor if approached strategically and professionally. Continual learning, understanding your audience, meeting deadlines, and maintaining originality is key to standing out and driving success in this field. Remember, every piece of writing is a chance to refine your craft, build your portfolio, and cultivate fruitful relationships with clients, setting the stage for a thriving copywriting career.

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